Mak Tim Restaurant - Sajian Asli Warisan Johor

This restaurant is located right at the roundabout opposite the Glaxo Smith-Kline (previously Sterling) factory near Taman Sri Keramat. It is at the one end of the DUKE Highway (still under construction). I've been eying this place for a very long time as the tag line 'Sajian Asli Warisan Johor' has been calling for my Johor-food-freak's attention.

The place is actually a corner lot house and you'll be able to see it from the main road. As a matter of factly, parking will have to be by the road sides. Ambiance wise, OK la.. not at all posh, more of a gerai style but at least the sky is covered if it rains but unfortunately the place is less than 50 meters from the DUKE construction site - we were there for dinner so the work had stopped for the day.

Of course, when at a restaurant claiming to be serving authentic Johor food, I would be looking forward to try their Laksa or perhaps Soto Nasi. From a nephew whom we met there that evening, claimed that Mak Tim serves the best Briyani Gam in town so KN ordered a plate of Briyani Gam Ayam and a glass of Watermelon Juice.

Beriyani Gam Ayam

I ordered, what else, a plate of Laksa Johor and Ubi Rebus served with Sambal Tumis and a glass of Air Mata Kucing.

Laksa Johor

Ubi Rebus with Sambal Tumis

From KN's facial expression while eating the Briyani I know that the food wasn't up to expectation. I couldn't agree more with my Laksa Johor. It didn't taste like Laksa Johor at all but what I like about it was the noodle - they use the real home-made Laksa Johor noodle, not spaghetti like most of the shops selling this dish do. The Ubi Rebus was nice except for that it came in cold.

What was really nice that night was the Air Mata Kucing - boleh lawan la the one at Petaling Street! Cayalah!. I am sure there are many more pleasing dishes sold here and perhaps some of the dishes I've reviewed here may turn out just fine to some people's taste buds. I'd say, go try yourself, then you'll know.

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Anonymous said...

Hi can u pls give me the address for this kedai makan...bcos i'm also missing johor food and would like to try it....tqvm,lydia

Syahr-El said...

hi lydia. it's in the keramat au2 area 12 o'clock from the sterling roundabout.

Unknown said...

baru jek gi makan kat tempat ni 2 jam yg lps dgn family bini aku seramai 4 org.. kami order sate ayam 15 cucuk, sate perut 5 cucuk, mee bandung muar, mee rebus muar & mee goreng muar.. tak berkesempatan nk order yg lain2 coz budak yg amik order tu ckp menu yg lain dh abes.. mlepas nak merasa murtabak singapore spesel.. sebenarnye dr umah aku nak ke restoran ni amik masa 3 minit jek, punyerla dekat, tapi ni 2nd time mkn kt restoran ni.. for conclusion, makanannyer dah x brapa nak sedap kalo nak dibandingkan dgn waktu mula2 restoran ni beroperasi kt tmpt skrg ni... bole dikatakan menu yg kami pesan tu xde rasa asli dr muar @ johor lansung.. serious.. coz family bini aku mmg asal org muar, parit jawa... aku saja bawak family bini aku mkn kt situ, coz diorang yg beria benar nk mkn kt situ, nak pastikan yg menu2 yg diorang pesan tu rasanya asli dari johor.. huhuhu.. hmmm.. layanan dari budak yg amik order tu pon mcm nak xnak jek.. ade ke setiap hidangan yg dibawa x disertakan skali dgn sudu & garfu.. aku mintak kat diorang, diorang bule ckp yg sudu, garfu & tisu kena self- service.. amboii.. aku bule bg 1.5 bintang out of 5 utk restoran ni.. & maybe xkan dtg lg mkn kt sini even umah aku nak ke restoran ni ambik masa 3 minit jek... kpd tokey maktim restoran, kalo anda terbaca comment dr aku ni, harap jagalah mutu makanan anda agar sentiasa berkualiti mcm mula2 anda beroperasi.. salam...

daridapurkak.ila said...

ada lagi ke tempat nie?? rase mcm nak pegi la...

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