Dominoes Pizza Take Away

Due to the salivating nature of this particular entry, it will be real short - tak tahannnnnnn....

And YES, I don't really take care of myself. Dominoes Pizza - my favourite thin crust of course... Lain-lain thin crust at other pizza outlets are not thin at all - sama la mcm I... kurus-kurus gebu gituuuu... Muahahahaha gelak sorang-sorang.

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So on 26 March 2008 when both of us were undecided on what to stuff ourselves with that night, Dominoes Pizza's new menu line up came to the rescue. Using KN's Take Away Only, buy 1 large free 1 large pizza card, we found a reasonable reason to put on the extra weight and risk a hike in my blood sugar. Period.

Dominoes indeed makes real tasty pizza!

p/s Err. I just realized after checking their site on the Internet that "Dominoes" is actually spelled as "Domino's"... err...

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