Soul's Code

Since Kal El is on long MC maka banyak lah movies yang Kal El dan KN tengok lately ni. Dan apa lagi Kal El's favourite cerita hantu/seram/thriller. One of those yang Kal El sempat tengok was Thai's Souls's Code. This 2007 movie is showing soon kat Malaysian cinemas I think - nampak gazzette dia shown kat TGV KLCC recently.

The Soul's Code is about a call girl being murdered by her ex-boyfriend's current girlfriend. Even though I could guess who the murderer was from the middle of the movie, Soul's Code was fun to watch. Unfortunately the focus was not really on the ghost but more on the CSI like investigation. The ghost (Ning - huhuh bukan Ning Baizura ha...a.k.a the call girl) was trying to help the Hero, a DSI (Department of Special Investigation Thailand to solve the case, leading him from one answer to another sampailah tertangkapnya the actual killer. Hantu dia boleh la tahan menakutkan ropanya tapi like I said dia tak banyak buat appearance. So sad but that's the truth.

The movie wasn't so directly pointing towards the murderer but Prae (the current girlfriend to singer Cee had framed Cee and he got killed (by Prae also) in the end. I wish the movie was a little more scarry (as the trailer focused on the ghost) but the storyline wasn't at all that bad. Having bought a pirated copy (again heheheh) the Malay subtitles was just intolerable but fortunately the English subtitle was comprehendable. Not perfect but goog enough to understand.

The hero (Detective Khan) like KN said was cacat looking - perhaps because of his small, macam tak boleh bukak punya mata huhuh I don't know why he was called the Thai Brad Pitt here. Definitely not for his looks la hehehe jahatnya Kal El ni kan?

Here's the trailer:

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