Don't Mess with the Zohan

I am disappointed and feel offended that such movie exists. Lucky we didn't pay for the tickets but downloaded it from the Torrent - serves them right! And how in the world would this movie get through our Malaysian censorship board and have its billboard erected showing Zohan's huge bulge in the middle of MRR2? I suppose because it's a movie starring Adam Sandler means that it could cause no harm. No offense with the sexual inclination of the movie but the character Zohan is an Israeli (I thought we do not have diplomatic relations with this country, so why show a movie featuring a hero from there?) and 99% of the movie was focusing on how stupid Palestinian Muslims are.

How so uncivilized.

Even if towards the end the story showed how tolerant the Israeli was marrying a Palestinian girl but what good could a mere couple of minutes ending showing their better side when throughout the movie they've undermined and belittled the Muslims? Whatever it is, I neither like the movie nor find it hilarious like I usually do with Adam Sandler's movies.

Disclaimer: This is only Kal El's opinion, I mean no harm. If you enjoyed the movie and have different opinion about it, it's your choice, go ahead and like it.

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