Have u Seen Women at the Urinals Lately?

Can you imagine seeing a lady nope, a woman, nope a member of the female species peeing while standing up? Imagine no longer. Now they can be like us MEN peeing while standing up. Thanks to the revolutionary peeing-kit introduced by the P-Company, now you will be able to see a sexy a lady, nope, a woman, nope a member of the female species standing beside you at the urinal in the men's room - of course they will still use the ladies but in cases of emergency where they may not be able to wait in a long queue like they always have to (ahahaha macam tau-tau je...) they can rush over to the gents and do Number 1 standing up! What's worse, they can do it beside you! Aiyooo cannot imagine lah! Takoooottttt!

Ladies, no offense, okay, I am neither discriminating nor am I being a chauvinist here but just sharing new technology. Use P-Mate!

Disclaimer: Ini bukan iklan makhluk perosak dan bukan juga iklan yang berbayar...

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