The Best Way to Eat Kerang Rebus

Step 1: Rebus Kerang 

Step 2: Kopek Kerang

The only underwater creature I dare put into my mouth are cockles or kerang but not any kerang for that matter, only those brought to boil (Kerang rebus). Buat la kerang lauk apa pun I will not touch unless it's Kerang Rebus with the essential of at least Sambal Kicap present. 

Step 3: Taburkan Kacang Goreng yang ditumbuk 
Kemudian Gaulkan bersama Kerang dan Sambal Kicap

Kerang Rebus would taste so much better kalau ada ground peanuts/kacang tanah goreng (don't grind them too soft, biar kasa-kasar sikit) mix the peanuts with Sambal Kicap and Walla dip the Kerang into it or best still, gaul everything together. Huhuhu sedapnyaaaa sehingga menjilat jari kaki!

Step 4: Makanlah Sepuas-puasnya

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Shah said...

Tak pernah lak try makan camni...Hmmm terliur la pulak... mana la nak cari kerang nih...

Syahr-El said...

cuba jangan tak cuba doc... sedap gila babas wa cakap lu...

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