Death Knocks? - Part 3

Ah ha, sorry ler kene ber part-part cenggini.. tak tau la berapa part yang ada but to sum up 15 years of history ni maka panjang lebarlah ceritanya...

To make things worse, masa aku dah start kerja pun aku jarang makan ubat - bukan apa... i have set my priorities right (wrong sebenarnya) but come to think of it, kalau aku tak buat cenggitu maka i won't be achieving a lot of things now and i won' t have many things that i have now.

Percayalah cakap aku, kalau dah sakit ni, tak guna belajar tinggi mana pun, berapa besar gaji pun because most of your money will go into medication and supplements. Don't get me wrong, bukan maksud aku tak perlu belajar - actually it is most important that you get the highest qualifications and the highest pay possible, in order for you to live comfortably.

I sacrificed my life (yes i know it was wrong) but i wanted a house of my own, in the house i wanted to live comfortably. So dalam usia muda, aku dah beli rumah, neglecting my medical needs. Believe me, medication is expensive especially when you have diabetes and those sickness related to it - kidney failure, heart failure etc. Sebab tu orang kata penyakit-penyakit ni ialah penyakit orang kaya...

1. Sebab hanya orang kaya yang mampu makan banyak uncontrolled sampai dapat penyakit
2. Sebab hanya orang kaya yang mampu beli medication and supplements and tanggung the cost to keep them alive, once they are diagnosed.

Just imagine, kalau kidney failure, it could cost you a minimum 3k per month for dialysis. Kalau heart failure, it would cost you over 20k for a by pass. A vile of insulin costs me RM70 - tu satu, depending on berapa units u need to inject yourself - it may easily be 2 to 3 viles per month. Oral medication lagi, vitamins supplements lagi. As you read on my entries later on, you will understand the pain.

So, bagi yang takde penyakit, sekali lagi jangan carik penyakit. I WAS A HEAVY SMOKER since i was in form 4 until 2005 and i managed to stop - how? I never made it a habit - i never made it a must for me to smoke lepas makan ke errr only while i read (that shows how i seldom read nowadays heheheh) so especially yang merokok tu, jangan la sampai terpaksa tanggung sakit dan the financial burden of having cancer or for a by pass. Maka berenti berenti la merokok tu selagi boleh ya... jimat duit masa kini dan juga masa hadapan.

As far as i can remember, all my working life memang i've been working very hard. I started working in 1998 and has been doing part time jobs whenever and wherever I can, only recently my part time job is restricted to doing things from home - no more teaching at universities or colleges - all thank yous go to me being sick, ye la kaki dah tak kuat, nak mengajar cemana (oh ya, mengajar guna mulut ek... ahahaha tapi kalau tak nak kene komplen ngan students sebab asik duduk tak gerak2 dan dilabel lecturer pemalas... takde le gamaknya mengajar tu guna mulut je kan? So korang paham la skang kenapa I stopped teaching rather abruptly and prefer to do part time jobs yang kene berjaga malam tak tido berhari2 tuh...

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