Wish List for My 33rd Birthday

Hari ini genap umurku 33 tahun. Dalam usia yang baru hendak merangkak ini pelbagai dugaan dan keperitan hidup telah aku lalui. Berbagai keindahan hidup juga telah aku kecapi. Alhamdulillah jika Kal El masih bernafas hari ini dan syukur atas segala nikmat yang Allah telah dan insyaAllah akan berikan. Setiap dugaan yang Allah beri, Kal El cuba sedaya upaya menempuhnya dengan tabah dan tawakal. Tak banyak yang Kal El mahukan sempena hari jadi yang ke 33 ini. Dari segi material sudah banyak yang Kal El miliki.

So, all I want for my 33rd Birthday are these:

1. I want my family to be forever united and happy. Saling hormat menghormati dan saling sayang menyayangi. Kal El tak mau ada yang bermasam muka, berhasad dengki ataupun iri hati. Pada adik beradik Kal El yang hanya 2 orang, ingatlah tak akan putus air walaupun dicincang.

2. I want good health for Ka'Ngah, Papa and my siblings so that they will live long to see each other grow old and to take care of one another

3. I want Ka'ngah and Papa to be taken good care of sebagaimana mereka telah menjaga kami adik beradik dengan baik dan penuh kasih sayang.

4. I want KN to be forever considered a part of the family even when I am no longer around. KN has sacrificed a great deal for me in our nearly 7 years together and not even my siblings have taken care of me like KN has.

5. When I die, I want my children to be taken care of only by KN and no one else and that KN should be given the financial assistance from what I had left to take care of the fur kids.

And last but not least,

6. I want a SUPERMAN Birthday cake heheheh...

Like this

maybe like this...

or at least like this...

Can Ah?

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Shah said...

Happy birthday - sori lah tak sempat lak nak bake cake superman ko tu hehe

Encik Anif said...

Happy besday friend!

Najib Ariyan Ali Basha said...

Kalel... Abg Bear ucapkan selamat haru jadi yer yang ke 33 yer?? ehhh dekat sangat ngan umor dr shah... jaga diri bebaik... dok diam diam, tarik nafas dalam dalam and fikirkan untuk 50 tahun akan datang apa target Kalel...

Syahr-El said...

Dr Shah, Anif & Abg Bear, thank you very much. I got a cake allright tapi bukan cake superman but it was good enough. This birthday was a wake up call for me, a new chapter had begun in my life.

Unknown said...

I've only just noticed you've linked to my picture - did all of your birthday wishes come true?

It's a shame you are so far away, I would have made you one. Sadly I don't think it would make it safely through the post from England.

Kind regards,


Syahr-El said...

Hi Carol.

Thanks for visiting - yes i've gotten some of the wishes but definitely not the cake! Thanks for the lovely thoughts. You've really made my day although this entry was nearly a year ago. You do bake lovely looking cakes, you know, and I bet they taste as good.

All the best to you Carol.

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