Happy Birthday Mummy!

If Mummy was still around, she would have turned 62 today. We've been celebrating our birthdays together since I was a baby (mine will be tomorrow InsyaAllah) I will forever cherish today as the most important day in my life. How I miss sharing my cake with you Mummy and ever since I was deprived of a birthday with you four years ago (you left less than a month before our birthday came), my birthday has always been celebrated with tears but this year I promise I will celebrate both our birthdays like we used to. I promise to celebrate it with a big smile in your remembrance.

Happy Birthday Mummy... Al-Fatihah to you dear mom.

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Encik Anif said...

I miss my mummy too.. Al Fatihah

Syahr-El said...

Al-Fatihah to both of them. Hanya yang sudah kehilangan akan tau betapa pedihnya azab hidup tanpa seorang ibu di sisi.

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