Kisah Penyucian Jiwa Tertangguh Lagi

Assalamu'alaikum. Masih berkesempatan Kal El mengucapkan Salam Aidiladha di hari ke tiga ini. Aidil Adha Kal El yang semamangnya lain sejak 4 tahun lalu dengan ketiadaan ibu, tahun lepas dengan serangan strok dan tahun ini dengan renal failure dan yang paling hampir trajedi di Bukit Antarabangsa. Kal El telah tinggal di sebelah atas tempat kejadian sejak 5 tahun lalu. 

Kal El demam sejak beberapa malam sebelum kejadian dan pada malam kejadian Kal El telah tidur begitu lena sejak lepas Maghrib hinggalah tersedar kerana terasa bahang panas jam 5 pagi. Elektrik pun dah putus. Tak mahu kejutkan KN sebab dia kelihatan begitu lena. At the same time along pun sms tanya black out ke? Oleh kerana she was asking the obvious and it was 5 in the morning I chose to answer her sms so much later which I did at 6+ Kal El duduk lah terkebil2 tak tau nak buat ada sambil sekali-sekali terkulai tertido. Sekali-sekalai juga dapat kedengaran bunyi siren pihak berkuasa dan helikopter mundar mandir. 

Kami di atas bukit tersebut yang dipisahkan oleh tempat kejadian, seperti di sebuah pulau yang terputus komunikasi. Tak tau apa yang terjadi. Fikir Kal El mungkin ada accident sebab tu banyak siren kedengaran dan elektrik terputus. Kal El tertidur semula.

Jam 7:15 pagi kawan Kal El dari Kedah, Wan call kata ada kejadian rumah runtuh dan seorang maut dan Kal El mula la put pieces together. So Kal El call papa to check kalau-kalau dia tahu apa-apa, rupa-rupanya dia masih di masjid and have not heard anything. He said to wait he'll check. About an hour later he called, katanya ada tanah runtuh berdekatan masjid. 3 buah terlibat. So we both thought ok sekejap je and the roads will be cleared in no time. 

KN woke and jumped into action gear to snap photos of the scenes (pasang telinga rupanya hehehe) and wenr to shoot some really valuable pictures. Papa came with Sapit to send us some food supply if we're out of food and was shocked to see it was actually 14 bungalows involved damanging nearly 3 rows of bugalows, in which two was across a two lane road and a monsoon drain.

Only the mosque at the starting of the row and 3 more bungalows at the end of the row were untouched. Seeing this papa began to panic and started asking around how could I be taken out from the hill as I have a dialysis due at 3pm the same day. He finally sneaked behind the rescue teams and walked up hill to my place. KN picked him and Sapit up from there.

I got to know he shocking news from friends who had already called. Along too had dropped by to leave breakfast and told me what happened. She saod that we had to be evacuated. Luckily Sapit and Papa was there to help as I couldn't do much. With the 7 kids we refused to leave (because we do not know how long we had to leave the house). So, in a hurry Kal El masuk saja apa yang sempat dan bergegas bersama papa ke padang permainan Bukit Utama. I was checked by the attending doctor and put on board the hellicopter to HKL. I did a round of dialysis and went home to papa's house.

I don't know what to feel
I feel sad but I couldn't cry
If there were tears it was long dry
I don't really know what to feel
The future's becoming more uncertain
It looks rather bleak and murky
May have to let go the only thing I treasure, 
I care most
I burnt the midnight candle so that I enjoy what I have
 and make the place a home sweet home for us
To create beautiful memories of a family
All I can do now is keep praying  and hoping 
For us to return there safely and be merry again

Please pray with us. 
Thank you.

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Encik Anif said...

Banyakkan bersabar... lepas satu.. satu lagi dugaan muncul dalam hidup ko. Mungkin ada rahmat di sebaliknya..

CATZ said...

Kal El..
i dpt berita ni dah petang ahad tu..terkejuttt!
and 1st in my mind was You,,,coz from which entry..yg ada donut tuh kot..u mention ttg bukit i was thinking...
hows Kal eL and KN..selamat ke..?..
mcm tuhlah masa i tgk benda nih kat TV..and my sis and i keepwatching news bernama TV to get latest updet..

harap2 semuanya ok dan selamat..
tabahkan hati,...dugaan ni..and u r lucky because ur family are around to take care all of u..
sabar ye..

Syahr-El said...

Anip betulk kata ko. Aku hanya mampu berserah... ku berserahhhhhh!

Alhamdulillah kami berdua selamat... kucing2 pun selamat dibawak turun, cuma rumah je la,,, tak tau apa nasib lepas ni.

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