Over with Heamodialysis

Ahahah dream on! Nope, my kidneys did not miraculously heal! I opted for CAPD - Continuous Ambulatory Peritoneal Dialysis which no longer requires me to go to the dialysis center three times a week and sit for four hours each time.

Alhamdulillah I've got this option where I can peacefully work and feel great at the same time. I had a tube inserted into the peritoneal lining on February 3rd 2009 - yup before KN and I went to Kota Kinabalu and upon our return on the 16th of the same month, I started my CAPD training at HKL.

It has been over a month now and whatever people say about undergoing CAPD treatment isn't true. I was constantly reminded by fellow friends at the dialysis center before the operation that CAPD is risky - you risk of contracting peritonitis - but after learning the correct technique and following exactly the way I was taught to handle the tank off (the tube on my belly) and carrying out exchange the correct way, I find CAPD is safe.

Of course it will be troublesome after this for me to travel, yup I would have to carry over 60Kgs of dextrose solution for our trip to Makassar in April tapi sama saja kepayahan mencari tempat cuci darah if I were to undergo heamodylisis still. In contrast to Heamodylasis, CAPD is done every 4 - 6 hours daily and the exchanges has to be carried out in an extremely clean and dustless condition. This way there is no chance for patients to contract peritonitis.

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sabri said...

sy akan training CAPD minggu depan..
untuk ibu saya...

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