Someone Has A New Toy!

Yup, KN bought a new toy on February 23rd 2008 - something that I originally wanted so badly, well since I think a couple of years ago, but have been postponing the intention due to the fact that owning it would be an expensive hobby - a DSLR.

Since there are many more things that require my financial attention - my medications, our everyday life, the kids and many other commitments, I would have to put owning a DSLR aside for the time being. Moreover we just bought a 7mp HD Kodak Easy Share in December and a 5mp Nokia N95 for my birthday - enough for decent photos - and as a matter of fact these two gadgets did a fairly splendid job capturing the memories during our last vacation to Solo and Jogja.

Whatever it is, this is the beauty of being married, everything that is mine is KN's and everything that is KN's is technically mine - ahaha hope so! But I have a problem using something that did not come from my pocket - unless I have some contribution in the purchase, which in this case, I didn't, not a single cent, and the DSLR was again purchased without me present. Perhaps because KN knows that I might talk some sense and eventually cause a change of mind but being me, always looking at things on the brighter sight - I don't have to think about purchasing a DSLR anymore (I'm lying - I actually still want one to call my own and do as I like with it) as long as we stay married - clever eh?

So this DSLR, it's a 10.2mp Sony Alpha A200 with a kit lens that costs KN to part with RM1999.0o - heheh it's actually much cheaper than what I wanted - a Nikon 40Dx. So KN has been so happy with the new toy these few days, snapping photos of basically everything,
including our trip to KL Tower to celebrate Ka'ngah's 74th birthday on Feb 24th (her actual birthday is on Feb 26th) as well as our dinner @ Bora Ombak on Feb 25th . So, cheers to higher resolution pictures!

So far the camera is easy to handle and have been producing beautiful images (to beginner photographers like me an KN lah) We definitely have a lot to learn but again as I mentioned early, I really have problem using things that are in reality not mine. Guess I have to get myself one after all.

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