Red Box Ex-ICT Gathering/Farewell

Kelly Chen Singing

Leaving my previous workplace for good has always been a grand event. kah kah kah... yeah, like in February when five of us left we had a grand hi-tea gathering at Eastin Hotel.... photos later! This time, 4 of them (Mike, Vincent, Azah and Afni) left, so giving an excuse for another big gathering lor! Hehehehe ya la... celebrating their freedom kan. Eventhough only Mike was present we had so much fun. Also celebrated Chelmen's, Mike's and Amir's birthday (cake inclusive in the package), ate plenty of buffet food and sang alot of Chinese songs wakakakakaka. This time the gathering was at Red Box The Curve.

Millions thanks to those who attended: Mike, Chelmen, Rowena, Amir, Jon & Wife, Chin Yee, Lee Yean, Agnes, Nikky, Darren and Adrian... jumpa lagi!

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