Death Knocks? - Part 1

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I am a 32 year old male living in KL. I am a diabetic blessed with hypertension and a list of other illnesses. No, I am neither HIV + nor do I have AIDS but still death knocks... There are many reasons why I am writing here. Well, generally to share my feelings, what I go through every day of my sick life. So that orang yang tak sakit, jangan sekali-kali carik penyakit. Tak... bukan aku yang carik penyakit-penyakit ni tapi depa datang sendirik.

Let me start by telling you - I honestly feel that my parents shouldn't get married to each other - bukan aku tak bersyukur tapi baka yang dibawa dalam darah masing-masing tu. My father, known to have strong family history of diabetes - hampir semua orang ada dalam family dia. Papa pun got it when he was 30 if i'm not mistaken. Arwah mummy plak known family history for cancer, hypertension and heart problem. My late mother passed away 3 years ago - after a major bypass - heart failure. She had diabetes too, and hypertension.

Korang mesti kata what is so bad having diabetes and hypetension - millions of people have it and they live long. It could be ok if its was controlled and well maintained from the beginning, macam kereta lah.. kalau dari awal tak jaga maka dah lama-lama esok habis la....

Aku bukan nak salahkan my parents kawen, dah jodoh dorang. And kalau dorang tak kawen maka aku adik beradik takkan ada kat sini. Aku tak salahkan sesiapa tapi diri aku sendiri. Seingat aku, papa selalu marah kalau aku minum air manis dan itu pulak jadi kesukaan aku heheheh. Yaaaa gelak lah aku pada diri sendiri. Sendiri pun malas nak eksesais, padan la muka...

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