Happy Mother's Day 2005

When i was writing this entry, I couldn't help but let tears flow down my cheek. The past week when mother's day advertisements were played all week long over Era.fm proved a mental and emotional torture for me. Many times, I cried while driving to work. The sadness of losing a dear mother and the memories of her is unbearable. I just wish i could have another chance to see my mother and hear her voice one last time. This year's mother's day, we celebrated ka'ngah (mummy's sister) and mak mah, our eldest cousin's mother-in-law at Putrajaya Lake Club. The scenery that night was beautiful and the food was excellent. I am sure mummy would appreciate a gathering like that but of course, we were there with mummy in mind.

I miss you mummy. Hanya hadiah doa dan bunga-bungaan kesukaan mummy yang dapat berikan tahun ini...

Also to my late atok, Happy Mother's Day...

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